Friday, February 29, 2008

friday.... finally

Today is the long awaited end of the week. I had a good day with my patients today in clinic and got all my notes done in (drumroll) less than 4 hours!!!! Whooo hooo!!! That in and of itself is an accomplishment. I will have to deal with tons of other school related stuff before the weekend is over, but for now, and for tomorrow, I am doing nothing that is school related. I am SO looking forward to my spring break in another few weeks. Just for the chance to get myself centered again.
This semester seems to be so busy. This is where we really start putting everything we have learned so far together and how it all relates to patient care. I will be doing my first of 3 10-weeks long clinical affiliations the end of May. Then take comps in the fall, then the next spring semester (a year from now) I will be completeing my last two 10-week affils. Then graduation. Then boards. Then find a job.
I am excited and scared.

On another note, moms birthday is tomorrow. Going to make her a yummy cake of some sort, take her out to dinner and she said she wants to see a movie so it is off to the theater we go! (hopefully she will be able to find something she wants to see) Fun times definitely.

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