Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Too Much Stuff....

It just dawned on me that I have too much stuff. OK, maybe not JUST dawned on me, as I have been aware of it for awhile but had chosen not to do anything about it. But now things are different.

Way too much stuff....

I have things that I think I will wear again (really now, do you think that after I get back into my size "whatever" I am not going to want to go out and update my clothes???), things that I think that I may like one day, things that I have "just in case".

I spent part of yesterday going through stuff downstairs... stuff that has been sitting there- just sitting there taking up space. I took photos of it all and today they will be on Craig's List.

Why do we carry so much stuff? What is it about stuff that makes us feel secure, happy, or whatever??

I noticed there is a upscale resale shop in Proctor... I will be visiting them soon to see what they take consignments on.... I have some dresses that I no longer fit in and no longer want hanging in my closet.... Nice dresses.... those "just in case, one day" dresses....

Maybe this is spring cleaning??? Oh, who knows.... who really cares? I am just tired of stuff....

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