Anyway, as I drove closer to home it was now changing into a sleet/hail mixture. ( now having lived MANY years in the part of the country where there is REAL hail- hail the size of golf balls, tennis balls, small dogs- the type of hail that puts holes in your skylights, grocery store windows, gives nightmares to car dealerships- the type of hail that sends all drivers to seek shelter at gass stations, empty car washes, and underpasses- I do have to say it is really difficult for me to actually call what they have here in the Pacific Northwest "hail". But none the less, up here in these parts they do refer to it as hail.)
It was coming down so fast and hard- not at all like the gentle, ever so constant rain (mist) they have up here in the PNW. It was dumping. Dumping like a Texas Rain Storm. And hailing- PNW style.
And I was trapped.
Trapped in my car. At the house. Cleaning off my window every so often with the wiper blades so that I could see outside.
I was cold too. With the price of gas at $3.45 gal, I certainy did not want to waste any with running the car to keep warm.
So I did what any girl would do.
I called my mom.
I asked if she would please come out to the car and bring me an umbrella (another thing people don't use around here in the "rain" (mist). When I lived in TX I used to keep an umbrella in my car at all times for occasions such as this. Well, not really for the hail, as Texas hail would shred through an umbrella in about 10 seconds flat and then you would probably suffer from a concusion or at least bruises from the hail pelting you from the sky.
And being the best mom in the universe, she brought me an umbrella and I remained somewhat dry.
SO, while in my car, in between windsheild wiper swooshes, I took a photo on my phone and thought I would share.

1 comment:
heh heh
when my car broke down in the street, i called your mom too!
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