May GOD bless us all on this day.
Thanksgiving Proclamation
George Washington hands cleaning a young turkey

I know that neck is somewhere....

The brownrice apple cider punch - secret family receipt..

Paige has all the ingredients in her head.....Good job..

This turkey is ready for the oven..

Sure looks good..

This turkey is almost done......

Finished .. done to perfection .. another brownrice special talent..

Almost read for dinner..

Austin & Paige get the drumsticks..

I think we need to say grace.. Looks like everybody is super hungry.

Looks like we stuffed ourselves..

and then the dessert - Pumpkin - Chocolate Pie

With r tummies full we took a snooze. Looks like Austin & Paige are catching flies

I don't think Lon & Liz are sleeping . Do you?

Now this is more like it - I can watch football while Liz sleeps.

I can't believe they fumbled the ball.

OK - after watching football for 8hr Lon doesn't seem to interested in it anymore

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
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