Tuesday, June 12, 2007

School's out.... almost!

The kids are in their last week of school. Have I mentioned how much I love SC (Paige's school)? They went on a field trip last week to the Science Center and today they are going to Mrs. M's farm. I am helping to transport kids today. They get to visit the chicks that they watched hatch in the incubator in class. Fun stuff, yet educational too..... Did I mention how much I love SC?????

Have I told you how much I hate the Tacoma school district???????? Austin's end of the year field trip..... watch a movie, bowl, and play video games. Appearantly I am unaware of the educational benefit of taking a 100+ 7th graders to a movie and bowling alley/arcade for the entire day. Fortunately, Austin did not make level 1 or 2 (I think it had something to do with eating the corner off a paper in one class and falling out of a chair in another class while demonstrating what happens if you stop breathing......) so he can't go. I am thankful because I believe that the school is just asking for trouble. So instead of having the kids who can't go help teachers or help clean the school or weed the field or something like that, they have them all sit in a classroom for 6 hours and do basically nothing. Not real smart since the kids that are not going to go are not going for a REASON- being disruptive in class because they were bored or whatever. So, I decided that he will be staying home and helping gramps ALL DAY> I am not sure if that is a punishment or not. But I know for sure that he will not get into trouble, end up in the office, or worse. Did I mention how much I hate the TSD?????

After school today, both kids are getting their hair cut in preparation for their trip to Texas to visit their dad. They leave on monday. We went shopping on sunday and now they have summer clothes and shoes that fit. We also have several boxes of clothes that are too small that we will be getting rid of this week.

OK< enough of that. Off to get ready to spend the day with a bunch of 5th grades running wild through the pasture on the farm!!!! :)

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